Solved, Error when using CCRibbon, c2027 undefined type cocos2d::CCRibbon


I’m getting an error when using CCRibbon Class. This is the code:

CCRibbon* ribbon = CCRibbon::ribbonWithWidth(10,"streak.png",10,ccc4(255,255,255,255),4); addChild(ribbon,2);

CCMotionStreak works fine, but with CCRibbon I get the errors below. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.

error C2027: use of undefined type ‘cocos2d::CCRibbon’
see declaration of ‘cocos2d::CCRibbon’
error C3861: ‘ribbonWithWidth’: identifier not found
error C2664: ‘void cocos2d::CCNode::addChild(cocos2d::CCNode ,int)’ : cannot convert parameter 1 from ’cocos2d::CCRibbon’ to ‘cocos2d::CCNode *’
Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast

Solved, with #include it works:

#include "CCRibbon.h"

No #include needed for “CCMotionStreak”, but at least now CCRibbon works :slight_smile: