[Solved]CocoStudio how to include CCArmature?

Hello, Could someone explain me how can i import cocostudio extenisions? Because i have got this part of code from http://upyun.cocimg.com/CocoStudio/helpdoc/v1.0.0.0/en/index.html
CCArmature *armature = CCArmature::create;
and i guess i need to import a extenision for that. But i actually don’t know how. Can someone please help me? Thanks

Coding on: Windows
Using cocos2d-x version: 2.2

AFAIK, there is an example of using Armature in TestCpp.

dot squid wrote:

AFAIK, there is an example of using Armature in TestCpp.

Wow thank you very much! You are amazing!