[SOLVED]Cocos Studio and Github Cocos 2d-x

I started working with cocos studio and it’s pretty okay. Is it possible to set cocos studio to work with the version of cocos 2dx that’s pulled from github?

If so how?

I use the framework supplied by the Cocos App, but I believe that it is possible to set cocos studio to work with the version of cocos2dx from github by specifying the publish directory of under the project setting, if you are just using Cocos Studio to build your assets and nothing more. You also need to specify the search path in your AppDelegate.cpp.

If you wish to do your packaging in the studios, then you probably need to move your entire Cocos Studio project to the project you created from the command line.

At the end of the day, what you need to ensure is that the source code you pulled from github is able to support the CSB compiled from the studio itself.

Hope it helps.

Thank you, this helped me a lot.

Looking at the cocos framework it set some environmental variables to something in my Library path, I changed that to the location of the tools inside the version that I pulled from github.

Everything seems to be working just fine for now, it also gives me easy access to updates to cocos 2dx, it’d be nice if cocos had a github repo like this as well.

Thanks for the tips.

I think Cocos is meant for those who do not wish to deal with the source codes. It can be a bit slow if the project is working with cocos2d-x source code, as the compiler will need to compile these source codes as well. Cocos provide the readied frameworks so that we only need to compile our own source code.

You are right about that. To be honest I never really got into cocos2d development because while it’s come a long way. In the beginning it was mostly iOS and Objective C thing which Obj-C is not pretty to look at [in my opinion]

Also in the past documentation was really subpar plus there’s tons of outdated info floating around which only confuses things more.

Looking at the way cocos creates the projects I was able to figure it out and actually create a simple project. Go in and setup game loop and get things working.

So thanks to cocos for allowing me to learn how to use cocos2d-x