[SOLVED]CCScrollView set container to TOP LEFT

as i have readen the container of the CCScrollView is set to bottom left , by OPENGL internal working. Is there a way to set it to the TOP LEFT position of the container?
Thanks too much guys.

Not an answer, but advice:

There might be a way, and if you have a specific reason to need to do it, then good luck to you as I do not have an answer. If your reason is “because that is what I am used to”, then I strongly encourage you to get use to the Bottom Left origin for in the long run it will make your Cocos2d-x life easier.

Is a real need, the container of the CCScrollView appears at the top left corner. Thats because is a list of items and i need them to appear from top to bottom. I have used ScrollView.It might be easy but my knowledge of OPEN GL is near to NULL…
Please if you can help me, write something because i am stuck on this.
Best regards to all of you!

One issue sounds like your items are in the wrong order, correct? So for the items themselves, you have to swap it for the adjusted height:

pos.y = contentSize.height - pos.y;

Another issue that I had was that the scrollview appeared scrolled to the bottom, not the top, so after initializing the scrollview:

    // scroll to top
    scrollView->setContentOffset(ccp(0.0, (viewSize.height - contentSize.height)));

Hope this helps.

it workedthanks too much