[SOLVED] Bug? CCMenu->removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(true) raised an exception on CCMenuItem::activate()

I got an exception on line



void CCMenuItem::activate()

I called:

This works (Called on the same method):

CCMenuItemFont* label = CCMenuItemFont::create("blabla", this, menu_selector(HelloWorld::menuCallback) );
contextMenu = CCMenu::create(label, NULL);
this->addChild(contextMenu, 1);


Calling contextMenu->removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(true) on HelloWorld::menuCallback() crashed on d CCMenuItem::activate();

Is it a bug or my mistake?

Here is the function which calls the CCMenuItem::activate()

void CCMenu::ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *touch, CCEvent* event)
    CCAssert(m_eState == kCCMenuStateTrackingTouch, "[Menu ccTouchEnded] -- invalid state");
    if (m_pSelectedItem)
    m_eState = kCCMenuStateWaiting;

Hope it helps to detect the reason for the exception.

Try removing the label from the parent.


or at least menu->stopAllActions() first

going that direction seems safer

Sorry it is not helping me:

Here are the callstack:

    libcocos2d.dll!cocos2d::CCMenuItem::activate() Line 119 C++
    libcocos2d.dll!cocos2d::CCMenuItemLabel::activate() Line 233    C++
    libcocos2d.dll!cocos2d::CCMenu::ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch * touch, cocos2d::CCEvent * event) Line 260   C++
    libcocos2d.dll!cocos2d::CCTouchDispatcher::touches(cocos2d::CCSet * pTouches, cocos2d::CCEvent * pEvent, unsigned int uIndex) Line 377  C++
    libcocos2d.dll!cocos2d::CCTouchDispatcher::touchesEnded(cocos2d::CCSet * touches, cocos2d::CCEvent * pEvent) Line 509   C++
    libcocos2d.dll!cocos2d::CCEGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesEnd(int num, int * ids, float * xs, float * ys) Line 307    C++

It crashing allways on this methode:

void CCMenuItem::activate()
    if (m_bEnabled)
        if (m_pListener && m_pfnSelector)

        if (kScriptTypeNone != m_eScriptType)
            CCScriptEngineManager::sharedManager()->getScriptEngine()->executeMenuItemEvent(this);  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRASHING here!!!!!!

Maybe an important hint:
Menu will be created on overwritten method:

void HelloWorld::ccTouchesEnded(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* event)

Using an own layer for this menu and it is working very well.

Using an own layer for this menu and it is working very well.

In CCMenuItem::activate() your target->selector will be called. If you remove the menu item within this method, your CCMenuItem will be released and destroyed while it’s activated method is still running. A fix for that problem is to retain and release the CCMenuItem in its activate() method. This way it will be destroyed earliest when activated() has been finished.

void CCMenuItem::activate() {
    if (m_bEnabled)
        if (m_pListener && m_pfnSelector)
        if (kScriptTypeNone != m_eScriptType)
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wow, this helped me to solve a lot of random crashes on android and some on ios, thank you Christian