Socket.IO Authentication

Hi there…
I am using cocos2d-x and want to pass an argument as query or id on the start of connection but I think I have no any way to pass it!
for more detail suppose that I want to pass my chat room Id or …
is there any way to pass it?

auto _sioClient = SocketIO::connect(“MyHost:8080”, *this);
//you may set a tag for the client for reference in callbacks
//register event callbacks using the CC_CALLBACK_2() macro and passing the instance of the target class
_sioClient->on(“testevent”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::testevent, this));
_sioClient->on(“echotest”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::echotest, this));
_sioClient->on(“connect”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::connect, this));
_sioClient->on(“disconnect”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::disconnect, this));
_sioClient->on(“message”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::message, this));
_sioClient->on(“json”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::json, this));

Hi Hadi,

For creating chat rooms, the best practice is to create new endpoints or “namespaces” on the server instead of using the default “/” namespace for everything. You can see the official documentation here:

For example, to create a chat room with the id “111”, you would use the following code on the server:

var nsp = io.of(’/111’);
nsp.on(‘connection’, function(socket){
console.log(‘someone connected’);

and then in the cocos2dx client, you would use the following code to connect to that chat room:

auto _sioRoomClient = SocketIO::connect(“MyHost:8080/111”, *this);

This would ensure that messages are only passed to that certain chat room / endpoint / namespace. In order to pass other information, the best method would be to encode it into json and sent it with an emit:

sioRoomClient ->emit("","{“query_id”:“123”,“another_argument”:“data”}");

Good luck!

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thanks a lot…I will try it as soon as I can…thanks and good luck…

another problem…
I don’t know why I can’t connect my connection on my NIC loop back (!
I can run it on my client to real server, but when I want to run it on my local server, it closes the connection immediately(disconnects socket connection)!!
this is the exception inside WebSocket.cpp that caused to close the connection!
also this is my connection code:

auto _sioClient = SocketIO::connect(“”, *this);
//you may set a tag for the client for reference in callbacks
//register event callbacks using the CC_CALLBACK_2() macro and passing the instance of the target class
_sioClient->on(“testevent”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::testevent, this));
_sioClient->on(“echotest”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::echotest, this));
_sioClient->on(“connect”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::connect, this));
_sioClient->on(“disconnect”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::disconnect, this));
_sioClient->on(“message”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::message, this));
_sioClient->on(“json”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::json, this));
_sioClient->on(“clear”, CC_CALLBACK_2(SocketIOManager::clearMsg, this));

and this is my node.js file called app.js

var app = require(‘http’).createServer(handler),
io = require(‘’).listen(app),
static = require(‘node-static’); // for serving files

// This will make all the files in the current folder
// accessible from the web
var fileServer = new static.Server(’./’);

// This is the port for our web server.

// If the URL of the socket server is opened in a browser
function handler (request, response) {

    request.addListener('end', function () {
    //fileServer.serve(request, response);

io.on(‘connection’, function(socket){
console.log(‘A user connected’);

also this is my package.json (Node.js config settings):

“name”: “test_project”,
“version”: “0.0.1”,
“description”: “learn Socket.IO”,
“scripts”: {
“start”: “node app”,
“test”: “echo “Error: no test specified” && exit 1”,
“author”: “Hadi Abbasi”,
“license”: “ISC”,
“dependencies”: {
“net” : “",
“express” : "
”,” : “*”

for running just I run this command: <node.js project path>nodemon app.js(now server is listenning but I can’t connect it, just server can recognize that a user is connecting it, then the connection will be closed!)

cocos2dx side socket auto disconnect after connect .

if you got solution about then please share with us