Slow MoveBy has strange effects on the edge of the Sprite

I have a sample code:

Sprite* bg = Sprite::create("gfx/letter_background.png");
addChild(bg, 100);
bg->runAction(MoveBy::create(80, Vec2(500, 500)));

here is the .png I have used - a white circle (that’s why it is not visible below):

Now when I look a t the animation I see that the white circle is moving smoothly but the edges of the circle are jumping. Those are like stepping and not moving smoothly - the behavior is jittery. What is the problem? How can I fix this?

I don’t know if this has something to do with issues but I have seen @Wuhao explained here that scheduling is the problem. But what I do is just a MoveBy action and I don’t use scheduling. @Wuhao, please could you comment this as well?

That post was a thing in the past, that only applies to HTML5 canvas mode, since there is no more performance gain on whole pixels, it was dropped in cocos2d-js long ago, so not related to your problem

can you try a different texture? one saved from another image editing program?

@Wuhao thanks for the response. But what is wrong with this texture? Did you download it?