Slow graphic when rotate

Hi all, i have a question.

Why when wheel in my game spinning several times, i have lags? It has occasional twitches. But FPS = 47 ! Some code :

void HelloWorld::wheelAction(CCObject* pSender) { points--; updScrore(); srand(unsigned(time_ticks)); int sector = rand()%12; int factor; if (rand()%2==1) factor = 1; else factor = -1; int new_angle = ang_array[sector] + rand()%10*factor; int dim_angle = (int)_wheel->getRotation()%360; float time = rand()%4+3; CCRotateBy *rotate = CCRotateBy::actionWithDuration(0.5, 280); int rounds = rand()%3 + 3; CCRotateTo *last_rotate = CCRotateTo::actionWithDuration(time, rounds*360 + new_angle); CCActionInterval* wheel_rotate = CCEaseSineOut::actionWithAction((CCActionInterval*)(last_rotate->copy()->autorelease())); //CCActionInterval* wheel_rotate_rev = wheel_rotate->reverse(); points += point_array[sector]; char* str = new char[30]; sprintf(str, "%i %i %i %i %i\n", (int)_wheel->getRotation()%360, new_angle, sector, point_array[sector], points); //OutputDebugStringA((LPCSTR) str); CCFiniteTimeAction* seq = CCSequence::actions(wheel_rotate, CCCallFunc::actionWithTarget(this, callfunc_selector(ActionSequence2::callback1)), NULL); _wheel->runAction((CCActionInterval*)seq); }

P.S. excuse me for my english =)

I have such ploblem in cocos2d-x test application. And on slow computer. But on asus transformer i have it too !