Simulator: Assert failed: TMXLayer: invalid position


Working on my TMX-Tilemap game, but every time I clicked outside the tiles on the boundaries without any tiles, I’m getting the below error, and the game crashes:

Simulator: Assert failed: TMXLayer: invalid position

Any help, suggestions, guidance will be appreciated it…Thanks and God Bless…




Well, been trying to make it work, here’s my code:

if(isox<12 && isoy<12)
{var tilecolortouch = self.maptilelayer.getTileAt(isox,isoy);

When I touch a tile within the map, it changes the opacity to that individual tile to 100. which is fine, but when I touch outside of the map, and for example the isox-1, isoy5 it gives me the

Simulator: Assert failed: TMXLayer: invalid position, which I think has to do with the negative value of isox, when both values are positive it works fine…Any help will be appreciated it…Thanks and God Bless…

