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I am looking for a way to integrate facebook connect with cocos2d-x.

Is it possible to share an image on user’s facebook time line through a cocos2d-x app?

There are ways to do this with cocos2d (on ios)

I am looking for a way to get this done both on ios and android. Can we use the official SDKs for this?

Many Thanks!

please join forces and vote my question on stack overflow

Facebook SDK integration is a problem that nobody seems capable to solve here :frowning:

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I dont have enough reputation on stackoverflow to vote it. Let’s hope others will vote. :slight_smile:

I got it!

I’ll write an article in my blog with more details very soon (




I really really needed a solution for this. Looking forward to your blog post.

Many Thanks! :slight_smile:

more coming soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome! Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey everyone . I have noticed that when we really need some support for cocos2d-x in areas like social integration , Ad integration etc , we get no reply from Mr.Walzer or Mr.Mingo . why ??? :frowning:
you are the creator you have to give us support in considering their is no proper support for cocos2d-x on google . even in final version of cocos2d-x i get some bugs . i was useless at that time . kindly support us so that we are able to make good games on this platform .