share iap for windows phone 8

I created plugin (or same that :)) for wp8.
it not complete but it can use now
hope any one help me complete it

Thanks for sharing.
May I know the way to integrate it to my WP8 game ?

Thank you.

you can see HelloIAP in sample directory and you can integrate to your game
I will complete it

Could you put a small tutorial on how to integrate it? I really have no idea how to use it…

sorry, I pushed missing some files,
you can see here
it will help you use

@dungmv Thanks, Your plugin is very useful, i use it in my wp8-xaml iap.
But i find a bug that line 64 in this file: \samples\HelloIAP\proj.wp8\HelloIAP\HelloIAP\Plugin\IAPStore.cs
await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(key, false);
onComplated(successes, “thanh toan thanh cong”);
CurrentApp.ReportProductFulfillment(key); only consumable products need call this function, durable products will throw exception. so… before call ReportProductFulfillment, check productType is consumable or durable.

Thank you for feedback, I will fix it.
I pushed the sample google admob to github, you can see here


is IAP missing for wp8-xaml??


@dungmv just bumping as forum got spammed like crazy… :slight_smile:

ok. Got HelloUtils in sample to work. BUt when I create new project I get an error in pluginFactory.cpp in Platform::Object^ obj = PluginHelper::getInstance()->createPlugin(PluginUtils::NativeStringToPlatformString(name));

I created a project called wp8Utils. In wp8Utils part I included plugin.cs, pluginwrapper.cs and Utils.cs

And in the component I added plugin-x include, wp8, jsb_protocols.ini, pluginmanager.cpp and pluginparam.cpp.

And in the c++ additrional includes… I added platform/ include…

Is there anything additional I need to do get it working??!??!? Pls Help!!!

OK… got hello utils to work… now with much confidence created a new project for ad integration.

Crashing at

Platform::Object^ PluginHelper::createPlugin(Platform::String^ className)
	return m_wPluginWrapper->initPlugin(className);

Still the helloAds works fine… cant gets this to work… any ideas???

Where is HelloIAP - XAML ??!??! :frowning:

I’m sorry, I have uploaded and you can try again now

thanks :slight_smile: