Setup for using only iPhone 4 retina images in a game

I just use 640x960 images in a iOS game, even it runs on non-retina devices like the iPhone 3GS.
The retina images will be down-scaled by Cocos2d-x new multi resolution scheme.

This setup in AppDelegate.cpp works fine:

int scaleCCP=1;
// use iphone 640x960 images
if (!pDirector->enableRetinaDisplay(true))
// iphone SD devices
CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->setDesignResolutionSize(640,960, kResolutionExactFit);

Then use this method to calculate the point coords. Note: I still use the legacy 320x480 design resolution for the ccp(x,y) stuff

CCPoint _ccp(float x, float y){
return ccp(x*scaleCCP,y*scaleCCP); //no offset because of design resolution scale