Setting up for android development

I have been trying to setup development environment for Android using cocos2d-x.

I have tried almost all the tutorials and steps available online and also in this forum with no success. I’ve developed games for android in java and have also used the java port of cocos2d for some of my games. But I haven’t done any c*+ programs before. So having a difficult time identifying problems. I just want to set up one simple project so that I can start coding in c*+ using cocos2d-x. I would be pleased if someone can help me with my following doubts.

  1. What is the workflow for developing for Android using cocos2d-x, and which all tools and IDE’s are required?

  2. How to set it up with the latest ADT bundle and NDK

Thanks in advance!

I hope this article can help you out

I think you should do it as following steps:
* set up ndk develop environment
You can read android official forum
* running cocos2d-x samples
After running a sample, ttry to understand how it does.

You should check blog posts about this topic.


and here:

Hope this helps.