Setting up cocos2d for IOS development on Windows 7?

I’d like get started with app development with cocos2d-x for my iPhone on my Windows 7, but am very confused about the set-up and installation process. I just downloaded the for the very 1st time, but am having trouble “installing” the libraries of cocos2d, I guess I’m just confused about how to set everything up: including the suitable IDE, where I can see the code I’ve written, and how to import to the IDE the cocos libraries. I read under the FAQ section that I need to look for the “build-win32.bat” in cocos2dx folder to import into visual studios, but I couldn’t find this file; is there an equivalent file I’m supposed to be looking for?

IOS development is not possible on Windows OS.

on win, you may run install-templates-msvc.bat to install template for vs
2.1.1 just support for 2010 & 2012

and if you want dev ios app, you may install VMware Workstation to virtual a Max OS, and download xcode for dev ios app

here is a wiki for you*-*How_to_Create_a_New_cocos2d-x_project_on_multi-platforms