SEL_MenuHandler alternative in 3.0

I used to bind method in cocos2d-x 2.1 with:

element->setTarget(this, (cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler) (&MainMenu::NewGame));

What is the alternative(s) for set parent and bind method in cocos2d-x 3.0?

In v2.x you were supposed to call it like this:

element-\>setTarget(this, menu\_selector(&MainMenu::NewGame));

Have you tried doing this in v3?

That example couldn’t work without
using namespace cocos2d;

My example work, but I wish to implement non-deprecate method. and setTarget isn’t that.

P.S. Maybe I should change title to setTarget instead SEL_MenuHandler

Which type is element?


CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void setTarget (Object *rec, SEL_MenuHandler selector)

From the official Release Note :

From the official Release Note :

Sorry for late response…

So, 3.0 solution for targeting MenuItem is:

element->setCallback(std::bind(&MainMenu::NewGame, this, std::placeholders::_1));

Thank you!