Seem not working for SDKBOX: Google Analyst

I tried the steps in

but seem no event send to my GA account;

Platform: iOS

Here is my steps:

  • Setup the Google Analyst account and obtain the Tracking Code
  • Setup the SDKBOX for Google Analyst for my project
  • Add “sdkbox::PluginGoogleAnalytics::init();” inside AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching

However, no error logs shown but also no events sent up to the GA Server;

We need to improve the documentation, can you try calling startSession and stopSession also record some events? init won’t send any events

Also can you check the real-time view of GA

I got the event in GA Server finally after the day end;
But it is strange that the event didn’t show up in GA Real-time view;

The realtime view is working when I am developing native iOS or android app.