Search and fetching contacts on iOS and Android

I’d like to search the contacts list from C++ with the target (at the moment) being iOS and Android. This seems like a fairly common feature request, yet I have not found anything in the documentation that indicates this is supported “as is” in Cocos2d-x.

I see that there is the LocalStorage extension, and this could perhaps be a viable solution for Android. As far as I understand, the iOS contacts are also stored in a sqlite database, but I haven’t researched the topic extensively.

Have anyone tried this approach to fetching contacts? Or are there better alternatives to doing this? Any help is greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Digging a little further, it seems as though you’d have to root the device to access the contacts database on Android, and I suspect iOS is just as strict. In retrospect, this isn’t really that surprising, nevertheless: a little disappointing, I must admit. JNI and Objective C here I come!