[SOLVED] SDKBOX install/update issue?

Hello, could you please check installation packages for sdkbox.

  1. We were tying to paste python command on fresh Mac and it didn’t worked some kind eroror in one of scripts.

  2. SDKBOX list update was not able to update SDKBOX itslef in older cocos2d-x on other mac.

Maybe you forgot something to change?

@nite @kiyall

Looks like there is something wrong with our updating script I’ve fixed it for the current update

it seems you again messed with update script?

SHA1 of update does not match
Found : 68d41e26d895c0772db71ff149cfa46c491bb2b9
Needed : e766120610037cf13c87551b9c3df9790fe4cf0e
Installation failed :frowning:

Should be fixed by now, if now try

rm -rf ~/.sdkbox/cache


what version of sdkbox installer in your mac

A newer version of SDKBOX is available, would you like to update v1.0.0.14 to v1.0.0.15?
Type [Y]es, [n]o or [q]uit

Thanks, worked