SDKBOX IAP:failed to get configuration - Cocos2d v3.17

I am trying to integrate IAP to my game but i get following error, please help me
I am using Cocos v3.17 framework

SDKBOX_CORE :Failed to find local config file in bundle and bundle/res.
SDKBOX_CORE :Checking plugin status for unknown plugin: iap
IAP :failed to get configuration

how do you integrate the IAP plugin ? sdkbox command or manually ?

it means the sdkbox_config.json is missing, plz check the file is included in your project.

I implemented Using SDKBOX GUI.

sdkbox_config.json file is present in the resource folder still it gives the error.

Locate the app bundle dir and look at its content to make sure that the file is actually copied to the res dir.

Okay, thank You
I moved sdkbox_config.json from Resource folder to Resource/res.
Now its working fine.

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