SDKBOX 2.2.2 Released

2.2.2 Release Notes

We’re excited to announce the SDKBOX 2.2.2 release, with 2.2.2 release we upgraded SDKs to the latest version as well as fixed couple important bugs, it’s recommended for developer to update their plugins.


  • Admob will automatically cache ads
  • New user id related functions in SDKBOX play
  • Youtube plugin supports customize close button
  • Vungle SDK has been updated
  • Appodeal SDK has been updated
  • Share plugin supports composing dialog


  • Fix a crashing issue with facebook
  • Fix installer issue with cocos2d-x 3.11

Check here for previous release notes

Hey @nite
For Cocos2d-x v3.11 sdkbox import is failed to patch for even simple HelloWorld project.
Please chceck once. In windows i checked, not sure about Mac.
I used auto installer.

_______ ______  _     _ ______   _____  _     _
  |______ |     \ |____/  |_____] |     |  \___/
  ______| |_____/ |    \_ |_____] |_____| _/   \_
 Copyright (c) 2015 SDKBOX Inc. v1.0.0.11
 Installation Successful :)
 failed to patch file
 Please reference the online documentation to finish the integration:
 Some installation steps failed.
 Please refer to the online documentation, for instructions on how to complete t
he installation manually.
 Installation completed with errors :|

Same problems in Mac

Thanks for reporting this, we’ll look into this.

When I import PluginReview and build it, I found the error in my Android Studio.

“E/SDKBOX_CORE: Plugin com/sdkbox/plugin/PluginReview not found.”

Then I find “/frameworks/cocos2d-x/cocos/platform/android/java/libs”.

PluginReview.jar is not there.


We have fixed the issue, please run ’ SDKBOX update --staging ’ to update SDKBOX core.

And then I run “cocos run -p android --android-studio”

I got this issue “jni/…/…/…/Classes/PluginSdkboxPlayJS.cpp:414: error: undefined reference to ‘sdkbox::PluginSdkboxPlay::isSignedIn()’”

Can you try this

just looked at SdkBoxPlay v2.2 and looks like there is not function for identify player, any plans to implement that?

we add a new function in 2.2.2 getPlayerId which you can use to get the player id

Just looked through the documentation for this released, it seems like there is still no functionality to show all leaderboards list? Need that functionality since we have multiple leaderboards in our game :frowning:

Sorry maybe our documentation is not clear enough, if you call showLeaderboard() without any parameters, it will show all the leaderboards by default

If I showLeaderboard() on Game Center it says "sdkboxplay :Requesting leaderboard for unregistered name: " :frowning:

In addition there is another issue for when I log into Game Center on ios device the welcome message on my app is written in Arabic language instead of desired English. Thank you for taking time to help :slight_smile:

All leader boards works on Android by calling showLeaderboard("");
In .h file there is information “Android only”.

Yes but how to get all leaderboards on game center? It shows an error if you use the same method call.

wow, i want to use this version asap :slight_smile:

Why my SDKBOX still showing ??? is it already the latest??

How does the AdMob automatic caching work? The documentation and the API reveal nothing.

We would probably like to keep it the way it was before (on-demand caching), to avoid unnecessary bandwidth usage. Can it be done in 2.2.2?

So, is the automatic caching enabled by default? Can it be turned off?