SDK gpg and sdkboxplay sample dont work

I tried sdkboxplay with gui and cli both fail to connect to gpgs.

then I tried and downloaded sample from

ran ./setup
then cocos run -p android

app crashes on startup.

both sdkboxplay and gpg aren’t working for me. I followed all the instructions, am I doing something wrong or is there a bug in the current version.


It’s tricky stuff. I’ve had a week on android gpg and totally failed to get anything to run. It’s voodoo

Can you post your error log? I just tested it it runs fine on Nexus 7, can you double check if you have google play service on your device?

Is it possible for me to take a look at your project?

Oops, I get stuck in GPG also, when I compile the sample gpg project with “cocos compile -p android” in Terminal, I got these errors:

Android NDK: ERROR:/Users/kicpang/Downloads/sdkbox-cocos2d-x-binary/cocos/./prebuilt-mk/ LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file
Android NDK: Check that /Users/kicpang/Downloads/sdkbox-cocos2d-x-binary/cocos/./prebuilt-mk/…/…/prebuilt/android/x86_64/libcocos2dxinternal.a exists or that its path is correct
/Users/kicpang/Documents/android-ndk-r13b/build/core/ *** Android NDK: Aborting . Stop.
Error running command, return code: 2.

Can you run the setup script and try again?

cocos compile -p android --app-abi armeabi