SDK Box Social Share

Hi guys,

Can this plugin help me to share (score images) on other platforms also or just twitter and facebook?
In some games, you must have seen where share button opens Android default slider drawer like in screenshot.


That’s the idea of this plugin we’ll add new share features to it over time

Hey @nite
Thanks for quick reply. :slight_smile:

Idea is great. Just wanted to know if it support only twitter or facebook for now. Or will it support other platforms in near future(1-2 months). :blush:

What I know is that this is general Android plugin which slide opens the Android drawer from bottom and automatically lists the apps in the mobile. So, in actual, SDK need not to have explicit sharing for other platforms but just need to wrap around this Android thing. Not sure about details as I am not Android but cocos2d-x developer :slight_smile:

Yes, we have plan to support native share. maybe 1-2 month out since we been busy working on google play game services and updates for iOS 10

the problem with the system share functionalities, is that you need to have install certain app to enable share to certain platfrom, for example user have to have twitter app installed in order to share to twitter I believe, but not everyone has twitter app installed, that’s why we implemented FB and twitter sharing first.

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Its been more than a year, can we do what @catch_up is saying.

I think we all agree its very important feature for android devices.

Edit - I just checked, when i put nativeShare i get the option to share anywhere…Keep it up guys, you all are developing cocos real good…