scrolling a layer in a loop

I have an image that has, lets say, ten times the height of my screen (the same width however). I want to scroll through this image continually. I have found that there are two ways of doing this.
The first is simple. It’s as though I were to take a printing sheet and feed it through a printer. In this case, i take my image and move it down the screen until the top of the image lines up with the top of the screen. When that happens I line up the bottom of the image with bottom of the screen and continue to move it down.
The second works as though I were to take a printing sheet and I were to tape the top and bottoms ends together, forming a cylinder. In this case I am still moving the image down, but I must take a piece and reattach it to the top of the image. I want to know a good way of doing this, so far I take my image and cut it up, creating a tiled map. If anyone knows a better way of doing this or has anything to add to the subject please let me know.

*tileMap~~>setPositionY~~ 16.0f);
float totalRows =*tileMap~~>getMapSize.height;
float rowHeight = *tileMap~~>getTileSize.height;
if <=)
//reset each tile
CCSprite * currentTile;
CCSize size = _background~~>getLayerSize;
currentTile = *background~~>tileAt);
currentTile~~>setPositionY - );
static int count = 0;
static int currentRow = 1;
count ;
CCSprite * currentTile;
for.width; x
currentTile =*background~~>tileAt(ccp(x,totalRows-currentRow));
currentTile->setPositionY(currentTile->getPositionY() + ( totalRows * rowHeight) );

if(currentRow > _tileMap->getMapSize().height)
currentRow = 1;
count = 0;

A much simpler solution to my problem was to simply take my image and cut it in half and to put one on top of the other as they scrolled underneath the screen. It was important however to keep the height of the images (not sure about the width since i am not scrolling left and right at the moment) in a power of two or you will be able to see a black space between the two halves.