Screenshot on mac

Hi guys,

I’ve been following this thread trying to save a texture on a mac. Then I reached a road block.

Apparently CCImage::saveToFile is implemented as such in Cocos2d-x 2.1.4, is this normal?

bool CCImage::saveToFile(const char *pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB)
return false;

Is there any way around this? The game will eventually be cross platform, but there will also be a OSX version and that’s the one I’m testing with right now. I don’t really need this for screenshots, there will be a drawing component to the game and I need to save drawings. Maybe once I figure out how things work on OSX I may help fill in this method (but this would take some time), anyone know other techniques for saving a texture?

Also, should I signal this as a bug somewhere as well? As far as I can see on github the latest version of cocos2dx/platform/mac/ looks the same.

Thanks everyone :).

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