Save screen shot through CCRenderTexture may be problematic if used glScissor and CCEGLView::setFrameSize

Hi all,

I am working on an app which its frame size (set by CCEGLView::setFrameSize) and design size (CCEGLView::setDesignResolutionSize) are different. My frame size is 1024*768 while design size is 1200*800.
I used CCEGLView::setScissorInPoints for some part of my program which works fine when running normally. But when I try to save a screenshot by the following code:
void SaveScreenshot()
CCSize size = CCDirector::sharedDirector()>getWinSize;
CCRenderTexture* texture = CCRenderTexture::createsize.width, size.height);
>setPosition(ccp(size.width/2, size.height/2));
texture~~>saveToFile(“screenshot.png”, kCCImageFormatPNG);
the region of “scissored” will have offset and scale.
Furthermore, if I set frame size the same as to design size, there will not be problems in the screenshot.

I believe this is a bug. But I think it could be solved if I change something in my save screenshot function. Can anyone give me a direction of how to fix it? Thanks.