Running on Eclips


Currently I have a win32 and iOS working project. What this means is that it builds and runs on both win32 and on iPhone. Today I was trying to get the project to work on android. These are the steps I took to set myself up:

  1. Rename the project folder from ColorShift to ColorShift1
  2. Ran create-android-project.bat with the following paramaters “org.cocos2dx.colorshift” and “ColorShift”
  3. copied the folder from the ColorShift folder to ColorShift1
  4. Deleted ColorShift and renamed ColorShift1 to Colorshift
  5. In Eclipse I did File>Import>Android>Existing Android Code Into Workspace
  6. Browsed to the proper root directory

It looks like it imported the porject because I see all the source files that I see in but I get 4 Errors and I am unsure how to resolve them:
Description Resource Path Location Type
error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘icon’ with value ‘@drawable/icon’). AndroidManifest.xml /ColorShift line 9 Android AAPT Problem
The import org.cocos2dx.lib cannot be resolved /ColorShift/src/org/cocos2dx/colorshift line 26 Java Problem
Cocos2dxActivity cannot be resolved to a type /ColorShift/src/org/cocos2dx/colorshift line 33 Java Problem
Cocos2dxActivity cannot be resolved to a type /ColorShift/src/org/cocos2dx/colorshift line 30 Java Problem

Any ideas how to fix this?
