Running HelloWorld on emulator leads to a black screen


I’m trying the latest build of cocos2d-x (2.0.1) and when I run the HelloWorld application on the android emulator (API level 8, default parameters), it leads to a black screen. The building process is working (building the natives, then the apk), however, the application is doing nothing and I have no logs at all in logcat …
When I try to run it on my device (Google Galaxy nexus, API level 15), it runs fine.

I’m working on Mac OS X Lion, with android-ndk-r8, if it’s of any relevance.

Did anyone run into the same issue and could help me solve this mystery ?


I think opengl-es 2.0 is only supported by an emulator running 4.0.3 and gpu emulation turned on.

Ok makes sense.

Thanks for the insight :slight_smile: