Roguelikes left out in the cold??

So after finally getting this thing to work I decided my first project with cocos2d-x would be another attempt at a mini rogue-like building off experience with my last project. All seemed roses, started laying the foundations, started reading up on the API reference. Cocos2d-x appears to have a tiled map for efficient rendering of the layout of things. Then I looked closer and saw that whoever wrote the tiled map apparently didn’t consider anyone would ever do anything procedural with it as it only loads pre-built tilemaps created externally….Ah, this might be a problem.

So yeah one of three things are true now:

  1. We misread the API reference and tilemaps can be created blank to arbitrary sizes and filled in by the execution of game code.
  2. We read it correctly but there is a work around that won’t take efficiency and give it a thorough kicking.
  3. We read it correctly, there is no work around and Cocos2d has no support for procedural map generation, thus I should probably try making some other game instead.

So yeah, which of these three is the truth?

Yes, you can do all of this in code. The Tiled world is much different than the rogue world. I am familiar with rogue and angband and nethack and all of the flavors in between (Moria!), and even tried to make a nethack for Qualcomm Brew long long ago.

In tiled you will need to make layers, and in those tiled layers, you will place your world tiles, objects, etc.

When cocos2d (all flavors) reads the tmx file, it programmatically makes the tile maps just the same way that you would. There will be a lot of plumbing on your part to do the sprite sheet links for the tiled tiles.

Great project! We are here to help if you need it. We are the maintainers of the cocos2d-xna side.