[Resolved]using CCControlEditBox in cocos2dhtml5


I am trying to use CCControlEditBox, but for some reason it’s coming back as undefined
I am directly copying from the test case in extensions:

“var box1 = cc.ControlEditBox.create(new cc.size(170,50),new cc.Color3B(255,255,0));”

It comes back with cc.ControlEditBox as undefined.

any help on this would be most appreciated.

UPDATE: I’ve managed to figure it out, I changed LoadExtension from false to true inside the cocos2d.js file, that’s all what was needed… didn’t need or have to copy and paste anything…soo stupid of me >.<…

What is version of engine you are using?

Do you enable “loadExtension:true,” in cocos2d.js file?

Shun Lin wrote:

What is version of engine you are using?
Do you enable “loadExtension:true,” in cocos2d.js file?

Yep, I changed it from false to true and that fixed the problem

I am using Cocos2d-html5-v2.1.0 @ Dec.4, 2012.