[Resolved]startup cocos2d-html5 2.1.5 demos failed...(in CCTexture2D.js)

Sorry to ask such a simple question, but I’ve searched much and it still confused me.
I want to update my project from version 2.1.1 to 2.1.5… Since the preload flow is changed, I want to have a look through the sample. The demos shows a black blank screen, and the console shows error:
Uncaught TypeError: Type error CCTexture2D.js:496
cc.Texture2D.cc.Class.extend.handleLoadedTexture CCTexture2D.js:496
cc.LoaderScene.cc.Scene.extend._initStage CCLoader.js:445
(anonymous function) CCLoader.js:420

All the demos shows this error (the same to version 2.1.4), both use the sources or cocos2d-html5.min.js(tests/games)

How should I solve this problem? thx for help

Addition: I find it runs well in Safari. I use Chrome 29.0.1547.66 m, and the error appears every time
BTW, is the proper version of cocosbuilder for cchtml_2.1.5 cocosbuilder3.0(alpha)?

I think you should update latest version of the engine from github.

We have updated cc.Texture2D in v2.1.6, please update to this version and try again.

And the proper version of CocosBuilder for cchtml5_v2.1.5 is cocosbuilder3.0(alpha).

Best regards

Thx. I found when I run codes in safari once in advance, then it runs well on Chrome too.