[Resolved]Save data using cocos2d-html5

I look for a UserDefault test inside cocos2d-html5,
but I cant’ find, there’s any way to save data using cocos2d-html5?

I did it.
Since I can’t find test using cc.UserDefault, I look inside source code and find it.
Here’s an example

cc.UserDefault.getInstance().setStringForKey("cole","texto");       console.log(cc.UserDefault.getInstance().getStringForKey("cole",""));

Fabio ,have you managed to use Javabinding with the cc.UserDefault!

Estou com problemas demais, parece que o binding não tá reconhecendo essa função, mas eu peno para acreditar!

Unfortunately I don’t use JSBinding, I used the C++ source code that I have to create a HTML5 version of the game.
In HTML5 version the game works perfectly, but since I don’t use JSBinding, I can’t help you, sorry.

Desculpe por não poder ajudar.