RESOLVED: Input not working on startup (after a few touches, it suddenly starts working)

What’s the issue?
When I first boot up my game on iOS, touch input isn’t working.
If I tap the screen a few times (like 10 taps), it suddenly starts working without any further issues.

What’s the engine version?
Issue occurred with v3.0 and 3.1 final.

How to reproduce it?
I’m pretty much using default input code, which I start in the onEnter of my GameLayer.
The code works perfectly fine on Android, and even in the iOS simulator on my Mac.
But on the iPad 2 I have, I run into the issue.

Here’s my code:

void GameLayer::onEnter()
	theLog.WriteLine( "GameLayer=>onEnter" );

	// Register Touch Event
	auto pEventDispatcher = cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher();
	if (pEventDispatcher)
		// Key listener
		auto pKeyListener = cocos2d::EventListenerKeyboard::create();
		if (pKeyListener)
			pKeyListener->onKeyPressed	= CC_CALLBACK_2(GameLayer::onKeyPressed, this);
			pKeyListener->onKeyReleased	= CC_CALLBACK_2(GameLayer::onKeyReleased, this);
			pEventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(pKeyListener, this);
		// Touch listener
		auto pTouchListener = cocos2d::EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
		if (pTouchListener)
			pTouchListener->setSwallowTouches( true );
			pTouchListener->onTouchBegan		= CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchBegan, this );
			pTouchListener->onTouchMoved		= CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchMoved, this );
			pTouchListener->onTouchEnded		= CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchEnded, this );
			pTouchListener->onTouchCancelled	= CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchCancelled, this );
			pEventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority( pTouchListener, this );
		// Accelerometer listener
		auto pAccelerationListener = cocos2d::EventListenerAcceleration::create( CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onAcceleration, this ) );
		if (pAccelerationListener)	{ pEventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority( pAccelerationListener, this ); }

Does anyone have a clue what could be causing this, or better yet, how to fix it?
Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

I disabled the acceleration and keyboard listener on iOS, same problem…
Has nobody ever had this happen?

It’s going to be quite a fun debug session otherwise :slight_smile:

Answering my own issue, in case someone ever encounters something similar:
The whole problem was caused by trying to open a file out stream in an empty (illegal) path on iOS.

Once I disabled that, everything worked perfect!