[Resolved] Help for Getting Starting Cocos2D-HTML5

Hello im new here. Basically im a Unity3D developer. Since unity do not provide HTML5 platform so i decide to work on cocos2d.

please tell me free IDE for cocos2d and some tutorials links :slight_smile:

Did you mean cocos2d-html5? :slight_smile:
For IDE WebStorm is best but not free…Subline Text and Vim is also good and free.
Tutorial is here :http://www.cocos2d-x.org/wiki

Thanks for reponse :slight_smile: Im using Subline Text 3 :wink:
one thing more, hows cocosbuilder and cocostudio?

CocoStudio only on windows. (mac will have).
Cocosbuilder only on mac.

CocoStudio is better.

CocoStudio only on windows. (mac will have).
Cocosbuilder only on mac.

CocoStudio is better.

can i start cocos2d-html with CocoStudio ?


The resources exported from CocosStudio can be read in both Cocos2d-x and Cocos2d-html5 with a same API.

thanks a lot :slight_smile: