Resize window on mac os using cocos2d-x

I create a game for ios and now I run it on mac os, it works perfectly, but I want to allow the user to resize the game screen on mac, but I have no idea how i can do that.
Any help will be appreciated.

You mean the actual window that is created right?

Yes, the window create by the mac app, I use a fixed resolution in cocos2d-x screen with the ExactFitResolution with a fixed value of 960x640 px.
But I want to enable the user control the aspect ratio of the mac screen.

I think this will work for you:

Unfortunately, this not work for me, and broke my project.
I create another one, but I change the inside mac folder.

I change the following line

NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(200, 200, 480, 320);


NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(200, 200, 960, 640);

The screen is not resizable yet, but at least is bigger now.

I dont know if this will help, but:

Look at the “Sizing Windows” and “Sizing Content” sections. It looks like there are some functions to handle what you want.

Thanks for help Jason, I can get full screen by using the link below

oh, you asked about “re-sizing”, not making it full screen. Sort of wasted my time trying to help you :frowning:

I try to resize it, but it not work for me, when I resize the screen, my game still not changed the screen size, because that the only solution is to create the game full screen