RenderTexture in 3.1+: how to use?

I was messing around trying to get this sprite outlining method (cleaner code here) working in 3.1.1 and quickly realised that the way to draw sprites onto a RenderTexture has changed significantly.

Where might I find information on the changes since 3.1 to RenderTexture / the rendering system?

Has anybody else managed to get the outlining method to work in 3.1, or knows a better method?

According to this post by @dabingnn,

we will create a doc to show How to use render Texture. issue link is

That was several months ago and I can’t find this doc. The issue link is also now invalid.

I love cocos2d-x but this lack of documentation is killing me :frowning:

Oh, Sorry, we will re-add it

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