render 3D model by ogre in cocos2d-x

Hi, I’m tring to render 3D model by ogre in cocos2d-x a few days ago.
Now it works fine on linux, but some bugs on android yet, the main bug
is it would show 3D model on android, but cocos2d-x can not be visible,
I’m tring to resolve it.

Ogre is just a plugin or third part for cocos2d-x here, you do not need
to modify cocos2d-x source code. ogre is very friendly with cocos2d-x on
linux. so linux need no more words.

Android port is more troble than linux, because ogre using libfreeimage,
cocos2d-x using libpng, libjpeg and libtiff, when I compile ogre and
cocos2d-x together, the libs is multidefined, ogre is support more image
format than cocos2d-x, so I can’t replace libfreeimage, I have to modify
cocos2d-x, replace libpng, libjpeg and libtiff with libfreeimage,
it is very easy, and it works fine.


If you compile android error, try follow please:
when build native code modify HelloOgre file:
set target=android-9
when build java code and pack it to apk:
set target=android-8

INSTALL: copy all file to $COCOS2D_X_2.0.4_ROOT

Contact me: tpf

linux port screenshot

android port screenshot