Regen cocos2d binding

Hello everyone,
i am working with html5 to develop a online game, now i am trying to use javascript binding to make sure everything work fine when porting it to mobile, but in html5 version, i changed some code in cocos2d engine and add more class, so i need to regenerate javascript binding for cocos2dx and my own classes,
follow readme.txt in tools\tojsfolder, i ended it with an error
“stdarg.h” file not found
are there anyone have this problem before? Any help would be appreciated :smiley:
Thanks in advance,

one more thing, i’m working on windows, i checked this link ( ), it is for MAC
i can not find llvm for windows, Maybe it is the reason

i found the reason. the llvm’s version in genbindings-win32.bat is not correct (using android-ndk-r9b ), i need to change it in genbindings-win32.bat and cocos2dx.ini, but still alot of errors in parsing header. :frowning:

yes, you need to make sure you’re using the correct llvm version, that is required in the .bat file, don’t change the version number in the bat file.

so, you mean that if i use the correct llvm, everything will be OK ( no error in gen binding ) :D, i still get stuck in fix error
BTW, thanks for your reply

I’m not 100% sure how the windows C/C++ compiler is supposed to work, as i’m using a Mac. But I just made sure I got the correct files that the bindings generator was looking for, and it worked!