Ray wenderlich fruit ninja translation


I’m trying to translate the cocos2d ray wenderlich fruit ninja tutorial for cocos2d-x.


But I have a problem when I slice an object.

When a sprite is cut, 2 sprites are created, one of those is good but the other has no texture.
Moreover if I try to cut again this sprite, the app crash.

Any Ideas ?

find enclosed the classes source code,
or you can get the project on github : https://github.com/jord14k/Cut-the-bomb.


FNClasses.zip (23.5 KB)

I’ve tested it here and found some things that you’ve forgotten:



bool GameScene::areVerticesAcceptable(b2Vec2* vertices, int count) {
    if(count >= 3 && count <= b2_maxPolygonVertices)
        return true;
    return false;

Thank you very much, it works.

I’ll continue the translation when I have the time. I’ll come back to you for sharing.