Ray Cast problem with switching scenes

Hi, there is a scene where it works Ray Cast,

void GameScena::RayCast_tick(float dt)

	Vec2 point1 = Vec2(visibleSize.width / 2 + origin.x, visibleSize.height / 2 + origin.y);
	Vec2 d(visibleSize.height / 2.1 * cosf(_angle), visibleSize.height / 2.1  * sinf(_angle));

	Vec2 point2 = point1 + d;

	if (_drawNode)
	_drawNode = DrawNode::create();

		Vec2 point3 = point2;
		auto func = CC_CALLBACK_3(GameScena::anyRay, this);

		_world->rayCast(func, point1, point2, &point3);

		_drawNode->drawSegment(point1, point3, 1, Color4F::RED);

		if (point2 != point3)
			_drawNode->drawDot(point3, 2, Color4F(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

	_angle += dt;


bool GameScena::anyRay(PhysicsWorld&_world, const PhysicsRayCastInfo& info, void* data)
	*((Vec2*)data) = info.contact;

 	return false;

After that, when you change the scene and go back on stage with Ray Cast is an error

            bool empty() const _NOEXCEPT
            		{	// test if sequence is empty
            		return (this->_Myfirst == this->_Mylast);

If you disable
// _world->rayCast(func, point1, point2, &point3);
There is no error and everything is working fine

How can I fix this error?