Quick preview plugin

Hi, all

I have made a plugin to quick preview CocosCreator, want to share with you guys.

github :https://github.com/2youyou2/quick-preview



  • Load original engine files as modules
  • Load original project files as modules
  • Auto watch project files.
    Once detect file changed, Quick Preview will reload this single file and the modules depend on this module, then reload the scene.
    This task will be done super fast.
  • Auto reload scene when save scene in editor
  • Auto reload without focus back to editor

Hi jyinkailej,

cool. Will you integrate this in cc 1.4 or 1.5?



Not sure, we will discuss.
You can use this plugin for now, any suggestion welcome.


It’s very important.

If CocosCreator have this plugin, developer will easy to test code.

Hope you will publish soon.

Thanks so much !

@jyinkailej Hello, it seems like there are problems with your plugin in Cocos Creator 1.6.1. When I run my game in your plugin I get “warnings” like this. My game screen is displayed but it would stop updating.


I loved how I could just click on the preview plugin window after saving my code and it will auto-compile. It saves me some time and sanity without having to focus on Cocos Creator first. Would love to know if you have plans to fix this.