Question on porting cocos2d-x project to android...

I have used cocos2d engine for a bit of time and have also played with the cocos2d-x-win (older veriosn).

Now our company is considering porting a web game client (flex+flash) to the mobile platform, the ios platform
is the target right now but we also hope to support the android platform in the future as well. So we are kindad
considering using the cocos2d-iphone-cpp (though we have bought the Unity3D SDK it seems to much for a 2D game
client), but here is some question we hope could get some help from those who have had such experience:

We have a lot of custom controls in the game such as list, table, dropdown box, etc and our plan is to use the
UIKit stuff to port those controls and then attach them to the cclayer.

The problem is, this might work fine with the ios platform, but when the proejct is ported to the andriod platform do
we need to re-create those UIKit controls since there is nothing as UIKit in the android (we do not have any develop
experience with the android platform).

Any suggestion will be appreicated, thanks in advanced :slight_smile:

Lacking UI components is the weakness of cocos2d. But we can find the usable extensions from repo and, also there’re many extension sources in the forum & community.

Take a look at, NetDragon develop this social game base on cocos2d-x, and they write UI components on the top of cocos2d-x, then easily support their games crossing platforms.

So my suggestion is:
# consider if the existing extensions of cocos2d-iphone/cocos2d-x can fit your requirement.
# use cocos2d-x-extensions is the best choice
# the second is to port cocos2d-iphone-extensions to cpp
# write a few UI components you finally cannot find in the communit
# the worst choice is to re-write UI between iOS UIKit and Android SDK

Walzer Wang wrote:

Lacking UI components is the weakness of cocos2d. But we can find the usable extensions from repo and, also there’re many extension sources in the forum & community.
Take a look at, NetDragon develop this social game base on cocos2d-x, and they write UI components on the top of cocos2d-x, then easily support their games crossing platforms.
So my suggestion is:
# consider if the existing extensions of cocos2d-iphone/cocos2d-x can fit your requirement.
# use cocos2d-x-extensions is the best choice
# the second is to port cocos2d-iphone-extensions to cpp
# write a few UI components you finally cannot find in the communit
# the worst choice is to re-write UI between iOS UIKit and Android SDK

Thanks for your advice and suggestion, I’ll do some early investigation on the possibility of getting this done with
cocos2d-x framework and will report the result and share some stuffs during the investigation.

I succeed in installing the cocos2d-x-iphone and cocos2d-x-android along with the IDE (xcode + eclipse) last
night and I also tried to install the wophone IDE but got nearly no hints from the net except a incomplete tutorial:如何在mac下编写WoPhone程序

So I am just wondering is it possible on earth to develop for the wophone under mac with eclipse just like under windows?

wophone sdk is invalid on mac, only for windows. We only translate it onto mac in a very early version, and still have no simulator, cannot debug…

I’m looking for the same thing. If I understood correctly, you are trying to get some UI like UIKit for your game.

I’ve been looking around internet and most people develop for iphone so they directly add UIKit to their apps, so the best way to have a kind of universal UI is to code a custom UI Layer so it works in all the platforms right?

Sorry if it’s too obvious but my english isn’t that good and I may misunderstood something.
