Push Notifications for the Web

Hi all!

I’ve just read Chrome has implemented support for push notifications in the web: http://updates.html5rocks.com/2015/03/push-notificatons-on-the-open-web

I’m wondering how everyone’s handling push notifications in their Cocos2d-js apps (I’m guessing there’s a JSB module for that?), and, perhaps: once Firefox/Spidermonkey adds support for this too, maybe we’ll be able to handle push notifications for compiled cocos2d-js apps in all javascript code?

As for now, we don’t have push notification support in Cocos, but it will be a great feature. So I added an issue:


Got it, thanks!

So, since we are at it, let’s say I want to make a game which should keep running in the background after the app has been closed in a mobile device, and after x time I want it to pop a notification to the user telling him something and with an icon: there’s currently no way of doing that, right?


I have an idea to do so but there is a problem, the function can’t be executed when in background

First, you can have a look on this Push Notification for iOS and Android.

You have to separately integrate Parse into iOS and Android project in frameworks/runtime-src/ with respected platform SDK.

Then you still need to integrate Parse JS SDK in Cocos2d-JS project src.

After that you can try schedule a function to check and auto send the Push Notification from app in javascript to the user.

Here is the problem, do you have any method to let the app run in background and call the send push notification function?

init : function ()
	var self = this;
	cc.eventManager.addCustomListener(cc.game.EVENT_HIDE, function()
		self.schedule(self.sendPushNotification, 5);

sendPushNotification : function()
		channels: ["Channel"],
			alert: "Great",
			badge: "Increment",
			title: "Success!"
		success: function()
			cc.log("Push was successful");
		error: function(error) 
			cc.log("Handle error");

The sendPushNotification function only fire when in app/reenter app.

Nope, that’s one of the set backs I don’t know how to fix: making the app keep on running in the background, even if the user has “swiped it away” from the running/recent apps in Android.