Proper File I/O for cross platform


I was wondering how simple file operations could be done for saving games for example,

The official guide ( only supports iOS/Android and does not even support if the file exists?

Any help?

Personally I use the standard C FILE/fopen/fread/fwrite/fclose/fseek/fflush… works on all platforms. I’ve been using it for 20+ years!

Check out the FileUtils class too:

std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getWriteablePath(); // Get the current writable path

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I’m using standard c++ i/o, and using FileUtils class like GMTDev suggest. For ex:

string path = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath() + “\\save_data.dat”;

ifstream readData(path, ios::binary);
    if (readData.is_open())
    {*)&_playerData, sizeof(PlayerData));

p/s: in my example, PlayerData is a struct type

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