Problem with runAction returning to the same scene

Hi there,
I’m having a problem since two days and I don’t know how to solve it.
In my first scene, I’m adding a Button “Play” and it has a special effect of movement:

RepeatForever *effectButton = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::createWithTwoActions(ScaleBy::create(1.05, 1.05), ScaleBy::create(0.95, 0.95))); 

It works fine. But the problem is, when I touch the button, the scene is replaced, but when I return to the initial scene, the button does not have the effect of movement. The runAction does not work when I return to the scene. Which could be the problem?

I tried add this methods before or after replaceScene but it not solve the problem.


Anyone can help me?

Not enough information.

Where is your first piece of code placed? In the init()?
How do you replace the scene? What do you mean by I return to the scene?
Is buttonPlay a variable member of the scene 1?

Theoretically you can try resumeSchedulerAndActions().

@brightInverse thanks for the answer.
I will respond your questions.

Where is your first piece of code placed? In the init()?

Nope. When I run the game, the first scene is executed ( director->runWithScene(scene); ). After that, I replaced that scene by another one, and that another scene is that have the play button.

How do you replace the scene? What do you mean by I return to the scene?

This is how I replace the first scene.

void Game::initScreen()
    Scene *scene = Scene::create();

    . //Here I add others Childs...

    cocos2d::ui::Button *buttonPlay = cocos2d::ui::Button::create("buttonPlay.png");
    buttonPlay->setPosition(Vec2(origin.x + visibleSize.width/2, origin.y + visibleSize.height/2));
    buttonPlay->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_1(EventHandler::onTouchButtonPlay, EventHandler::getInstance())); 
    RepeatForever *effectButton = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::createWithTwoActions(ScaleBy::create(1.05, 1.05), ScaleBy::create(0.95, 0.95))); /

When I say “return to the scene” I refer to call again initScreen() method in other part of the code.
The first time I call initScreen () the button action works fine. But when I replace the initScreen() scene (by other scene, in onTouchButtonPlay()) and in another part of the code I call initScreen () again to return to the init scene, the runAction button do not work.

Is buttonPlay a variable member of the scene 1?

Nope. As I mentioned before, the first scene does not have the button.

Theoretically you can try resumeSchedulerAndActions().

This method is deprecated. Other alternative?

I found my problem.
My Director was in pause mode.

Adding this line, I solved the problem:


Thanks !!!

I did not do anything useful. But I am glad that you solved your problem. :slight_smile: