Problem refreshing graphics

I’ve some synchronized calls to libcurl. In the progress callback I refresh a graphic (indicating activity).
This code works fine on Windows and iOS:

But in android, the graphic never refresh. I tried a lot of things, but without success.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

PD: I use cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0 @ Mar.5 2012

Why did you invoke drawScene to refresh?
The engine will refresh it all the time.

>>the graphic never refresh
What did you mean? It can not draw some sprite or other things?

No, the problem is that in the “update” procedure I need to refresh the same graphic several times, before the procedure ends, so isn’t updated automatically (it’s an animated wait graphic while synchronized calls to libcurl).
Only fail in Android!

void updateScene ()
// Begin “updateScene” frame

callLibCurl ();


// End “updateScene” frame

void callLibCurl ()

//config updateProgress to updtPrg()
// Still in “updateScene” frame
//libcurl functions (large time)
// Still in “updateScene” frame

void updtPrg ()
// Function called every “n” time from libcurl

// update gfx to indicate disk activity

// Still in “updateScene” frame
