Problem deploying to Android. Can't add files to apk

I have a problem compiling an APK.

I get the next error:

Command-line Error 1
(skipping file ‘.gitignore’ due to ANDROID_AAPT_IGNORE pattern ‘.*’)
Unable to add CloseNormal.png : Zip add failed

I tried to start Eclipse as Administrator but it didn’t help.
I also tried to compile using ant, but got an error on line 950 of build.xml
(the code on that line is ignoreAssets="${aapt.ignore.assets}")

Can someone please help me with that?

I wasted a lot of time trying different solutions, but without any luck.


I’m guessing your trying to do this on windows.

This is because the files don’t have the right permissions. I guess you have cygwin installed, in cygwin change directory to the resources folder, then run the following command in cygwin

chmod -R 777 *

You were absolutely right. That helped.

i was have the same problem and ran chmod -R 777 * command but nothing happens and still facing it

This doesnt work for me either… what can I do to get around it??

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