Problem debugging project containing chipmunk for Windows

Hi, I have a JS project that currently works well in the browser, but I have the following error when I try debugging as win32:

And I get the following in the IDE’s console:
Aborting due to Chipmunk error: Do not add static bodies to a space. Static bodies do not move and should not be simulated.     Failed condition: !cpBodyIsStatic(body)     Source:e:\eclipseworkspaces\cocosws\pongroyale\frameworks\js-bindings\cocos2d-x\external\chipmunk\src\cpspace.c:296

Any thoughts?

There is a big difference between running on web and running on jsb, some objects created by engine need retain/release on jsb, but don’t need on web.
I havn’t meet bugs like that, but i think you can debugging runtime using visual studio, it’s easier to find the reason of that.
This document maybe a little useful for you