Primitive drawing always appear below all layers

I thought this was a bug in version cocos2d-x 3.0beta, and fixed in RC0, as mentioned here.

However it seems that it is still happening. Is it actually a bug?
What is the way, say, to draw primitives on top of sprites?

You have to use CustomCommand checkout ShaderTest.cpp

@nite Thanks, I managed to make it work using CustomCommand

This helped me understand cocos2d-x 3.0 rendering: (google translated into English)

For a simple equivalent to the draw() function in cocos2d-x 3.0, this is how I implemented it:

CustomCommand* renderCommand = new CustomCommand();
renderCommand->init(10);    // or whichever depth
renderCommand->func = customDraw;

Then each frame call:

auto director = Director::getInstance();

@Romain Awesome - thanks for this:

Would it be possible for you to post a more complete sample of the code (i.e. what is in the customDraw method)

I’m a bit of a noob at C++ and I’m getting errors if I use the code you posted with a ‘customDraw’ method of my own…



No need, I checked out the demo sources and, once I knew what I was looking for, it all sort of made sense!