[Resolved]how do we handle multiple resolutions on cocos2d-html5?


how do we handle multiple resolutions on cocos2d-html5?


There is a tutorial for you,Multi_resolution_support

Totally, there are two part of job you need to process:

  1. adapt your game to device screen

Please refer to this link:
Screen adaption code

  1. switch resources according to resolution

Please refer to this link:
Multi resources switching code

Wow, its very similar to the cocos2dx c++ branch, I didn’t expect so much coolness :slight_smile:


Shun Lin wrote:

There is a tutorial for you,Multi_resolution_support
Totally, there are two part of job you need to process:

  1. adapt your game to device screen
    Please refer to this link:
    Screen adaption code
  2. switch resources according to resolution
    Please refer to this link:
    Multi resources switching code

main.js //

Shun Lin wrote:

There is a tutorial for you,Multi_resolution_support
Totally, there are two part of job you need to process:

  1. adapt your game to device screen
    Please refer to this link:
    Screen adaption code
  2. switch resources according to resolution
    Please refer to this link:
    Multi resources switching code


i use cocos2d-html5 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 obscure

GET http://localhost:8080/Cocos2d-html5-v2.1.4/HelloHTML5World/undefined 404 (Not Found) myApp-HelloWorld.js:1456
Assertion failed: CCApplication ctor myApp-HelloWorld.js:10

what should i do?