Back compatibility CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath

Hello there.

I saw that method fullPathFromRelativePath was removed.

It would be nice to have a back compatibility from current stable version ;/.

Where did you find that it was removed? It was just marked as deprecated in 2.1.1.
Please look at .
After we refactored CCFileUtils, we did remove it in the latest codes on github. PLZ use fullPathForFilename instead. Thanks.

Oh sorry i didn’t see that was deprecated.

James Chen wrote:

Where did you find that it was removed? It was just marked as deprecated in 2.1.1.
Please look at .
After we refactored CCFileUtils, we did remove it in the latest codes on github. PLZ use fullPathForFilename instead. Thanks.

But how to use it?
Tried like this:

    const char *fileName = cocos2d::CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename( "test.txt" );

and get error: No viable conversion from ‘std::string (aka ’basic_string’) to ‘const char *’

Try this:

std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(filename);
FILE* fp = fopen( fullPath.c_str(), “r” );